
A new frontier in the field of security doors in terms of technology, aesthetics and function. Going beyond the simple security, thinking of a new door fully customizable.
Each element becomes a piece of furniture, making the door a protagonist.
From the collaboration between Ghigos and Gardesa R EVO3 was born a revolution in the world of security because in only 5.4 cm is guaranteed safe and comfortable sound and heat.
R EVO3 can integrate into the house and becoming the protagonist thanks to his customizable size. It can disappear and become fully integrated in the wall to become itself a decoration and create a surprise effect. A “boiserie” of contemporary taste in which geometries and materials combine to create new visual borders.
R EVO3 is the only customizable door in every element in view.

A chair to represent James the greater……………..The pilgrimage as a journey, as a path that leads to a destination chased for long or just aspirated, is a process of inner development. It’s a spiritual or cultural research trip, an aspiration towards how it is different.

That’s why it is a cedar staircase that metaphorically tends to infinity, fading gradually not only in the tapered shape, but also in the chromatic appearance: the wooden beams fading to white, as loosing consistency and forecasting the passage to an unknown world.
These are steps that, in the end, collapse upon themselves, a division between the ground and the divine. The representation of the stress in which it  makes you encounter, but also the sense of the design process itself, which often overcomes on the final product, discovering the value and its explanation right in its own growth.
It’s a chair,  a ladder or maybe a library: symbolically retracing the Way of St.James. The chair allows everyday metaphorical climbing, getting closer to the sky… By sitting or climbing the chair, you are able to receive a gift, a passage from the bible which invites you to ponder upon the reflection.

And he had a dream; and in his dream he saw steps stretching from earth to heaven; and the angels of God were going up and down on them.
Genesi (28, 12)

During the Cup Agostoni in 2012, 66° edition of the bycicle race competition well known as “Giro della Brianza”, Ghigos was hired to draw one of the three cups for the winners.

Common thread for all the trophies is the wood, the typical material of the furniture production in the area. In a play of perspectives and points of view in continuous change, Ghigos proposes a famous study by Fukuda realizing a cyclist that, if rotated, appears as an armchair. A changing sculpture, that changes by the point of view, data, a tribute to the world of sport and handmade productivity of Brianza.

A legacy that leaves you confused: missing pieces and mismatched items, yet these items are still full of affection, Broken or chipped porcelain, but we don’t just want to “Abandon” them…The memories of family values remain trapped between a past full of nostalgia and a future of uncertainty. Due to their broken state they no longer become completely usable but instead, become objects. With the “trays of memories”, all these objects rediscover a new life and relish their “second chance”: a uniform adhesive welcomes them and sometimes incorporates them but at other times they complete them. It fills the gaps and reinforces the objects’ unmistakable footprints.The service comes together well and metaphorically; the pieces find “dignity” and a use that, in a time before, seemed lost.These “trays of memory”, can be built by everyone and can be made directly from the objects they love most. They crystallize a past so dear to us, reminding us of precious memories, “drunk in company”, “Memoirs of a coffee break in the family”, or perhaps that “historic quarrel” with subsequent and final conquest “promise of love”!

An “indeterminate” condiment set

An Oil-Vinegar-Salt-Pepper set that finally, in its provocative “indeterminacy”, will accommodate what everyone wants to bring to the table. This set is an open work: flexible, modular, easily deployable and customisable, which can be adapted to accommodate containers of varied shapes and sizes for very demanding diner (“cheese-oil or spicy?” “no thanks, I prefer balsamic vinegar and white pepper, but with a touch of oregano and flavoured olive oil!”).

Generous in content, despite its versatility, the product has a clear formal identity. It can be a Cathedral to celebrate the historical product of the company, referring to a married couple at the altar, or perhaps a more contemporary forest, where its branches protect one of its cruets: the set is still recognizable, functional, aesthetic and communicative in its many forms.

An “indeterminate” condiment set

An Oil-Vinegar-Salt-Pepper set that finally, in its provocative “indeterminacy”, will accommodate what everyone wants to bring to the table. This set is an open work: flexible, modular, easily deployable and customisable, which can be adapted to accommodate containers of varied shapes and sizes for very demanding diner (“cheese-oil or spicy?” “no thanks, I prefer balsamic vinegar and white pepper, but with a touch of oregano and flavoured olive oil!”).

Generous in content, despite its versatility, the product has a clear formal identity. It can be a Cathedral to celebrate the historical product of the company, referring to a married couple at the altar, or perhaps a more contemporary forest, where its branches protect one of its cruets: the set is still recognizable, functional, aesthetic and communicative in its many forms.

“Traditions fade” in the service of breakfast Coffee pots, milk-mounts, coffee-mounts and coffee grindings flirt with one another through coordinated graphics. The white removes the objects from their time, while the emerging pattern of the underlying aluminium brings us back to the traditional Moka. The shape is reminiscent of its most illustrious predecessor but blurring into a contemporary line; the immediate past is still reflected in these products leaving just a trace.

Set of frames for unforgettable moments

From the Latin re-cordis, to remember or “go over parts of the heart”, this picture-frame set enables us to take a moment, stop and think. They are a family of iconic objects that accompany our days and brighten our home…between “family stories” and “memories with friends”, Cuddling “the kids” and smiling, even for those “scared memories” without making it a matter of detail, but always with your ‘’head in the clouds.’’

A more “classic” meat mallet

A meat pounder taken from a mighty and noble calling; with a traditional ionic style column that brings fun into the kitchen, mixing ancient history with contemporary tastes. The history “lesson” gives us a necessarily heavy, but certainly light spirited result.

A “celebration” of joints and cracks

Kitchen utensils that help us break, cut, chop or grind become improbable “inhabitants” of an Aztec pyramid, filling a symbolic object with life and usefulness, a “container of containers”, a monument that stands between sacred and profane. On top, a walnut “sacrifice” celebrates the moment elevating it to break ritual gesture.

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