Cup Ugo Agostoni 2012

During the Cup Agostoni in 2012, 66° edition of the bycicle race competition well known as “Giro della Brianza”, Ghigos was hired to draw one of the three cups for the winners.

Common thread for all the trophies is the wood, the typical material of the furniture production in the area. In a play of perspectives and points of view in continuous change, Ghigos proposes a famous study by Fukuda realizing a cyclist that, if rotated, appears as an armchair. A changing sculpture, that changes by the point of view, data, a tribute to the world of sport and handmade productivity of Brianza.


tipo: invito
luogo: Lissone
committente: Comune di Lissone
cronologia: luglio 2012


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)

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