A new frontier in the field of security doors in terms of technology, aesthetics and function. Going beyond the simple security, thinking of a new door fully customizable.
Each element becomes a piece of furniture, making the door a protagonist.
From the collaboration between Ghigos and Gardesa R EVO3 was born a revolution in the world of security because in only 5.4 cm is guaranteed safe and comfortable sound and heat.
R EVO3 can integrate into the house and becoming the protagonist thanks to his customizable size. It can disappear and become fully integrated in the wall to become itself a decoration and create a surprise effect. A “boiserie” of contemporary taste in which geometries and materials combine to create new visual borders.
R EVO3 is the only customizable door in every element in view.


tipo: Incarico Diretto

luogo: Milano

committente: Gardesa ASSA ABLOY
data: febbraio – aprile 2014


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi, Lorenzo Loglio)

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