
An “indeterminate” condiment set

An Oil-Vinegar-Salt-Pepper set that finally, in its provocative “indeterminacy”, will accommodate what everyone wants to bring to the table. This set is an open work: flexible, modular, easily deployable and customisable, which can be adapted to accommodate containers of varied shapes and sizes for very demanding diner (“cheese-oil or spicy?” “no thanks, I prefer balsamic vinegar and white pepper, but with a touch of oregano and flavoured olive oil!”).

Generous in content, despite its versatility, the product has a clear formal identity. It can be a Cathedral to celebrate the historical product of the company, referring to a married couple at the altar, or perhaps a more contemporary forest, where its branches protect one of its cruets: the set is still recognizable, functional, aesthetic and communicative in its many forms.


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Superstudio Group, Milano
committente: Casalinghi S.T.O.
cronologia: 2012

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