
It starts from impalpable sensations, from what precedes a formalization project itself, forgotten sketches or drawings stored for new projects.

We chose to tell “the first” along with the “then” to get to the “after”. Tell ideas, memories, discussions, uncertainties, lucky failures …
The installation is an alternative story, camouflaged in informal set : in the exhibition space in Milan and at SEVS in Florence is prepared a “bar”. A bar that caters a comfortable exhibition, which can be seen even when seated.

There are movies on the projects and their creative processes that between a cappuccino and a mixed salad , are shown on the table, mingling with its flavors, and sometimes with “disagreements” that may emerge in the table and then resolve.
“Serendipity” – the bar of the unexpected – is an installation, a way of thinking, a look at things from another point of view to suddently discover them fascinating and new.


tipo: Incarico diretto
luogo: Milano; SEVS – Galleria di Santa Verdiana, Firenze
con il contributo di: con il contributo di: Architerna; Politecnico di Milano; SESV
cronologia:19 novembre – 4 dicembre 2006 (Politecnico di Milano); 3 – 19 luglio 2007 (Facoltà di Architettura di Firenze)


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Veronica Abbate, Angelo Becci, Gaia Brunello; Francesca Diotti, Valeria Flamini, Federico Lissoni, Sara Magnone; Francesca Meregalli, Fabio Passon, Francesco Porro, Giuliana Posocco, Marco Savorgnani, Anja Visini, Massimo Zavagnin, Luigia Ghezzi, Tommaso Gritti, Caterina Lafiosca e Rosetta Spagnolo.

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