
Scraps of drilling become a candelabras system with different height and materials.  Satelliti candelabras, a system of pedestals of varying heights for intimate daily rituals.

The remnants from the finished stone productions offer new functional as well as aesthetic opportunity: by simply reassembling and observing them from other points of view, gives them a new life which is then realized in a different context.
In fact, from the perspective of full sustainability, a remnant which is not useful today may easily be reinterpreted and brought to imagine in a domestic sphere. So as to give added value to the remnants, which would have naturally been discarded, as a finished product.

Literally, self-production, considered as a spontaneous and automatic production, in this context, expresses its innermost nature: this is the traditional production that, almost without aesthetic or functional filter, constructs pieces of stone from which it is possible to recreate a design, but it is the designer who can intuitively perceive the future, creating objects of daily use, leaning on the mastery of the company and its craftsmanship.


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Domodossola
committente: recycled stones
cronologia: 2014-2015


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete)

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