
Rockisland comes as the conclusion of the Levante Pier walk, a strip of land extending into the sea. We thought at Rockisland 2.0 as a space that would mirror to the life on the pier, its public relationship network -open, unpredictable, slow – one of the most simbolic places of Rimini.
Rockisland 2.0 was born from the composition of three main streams: a collective space + a sensory machine + a flexible device that can be adapted to fit different needs. At the end of the pier, it will be possible to walk on top of Rockisland 2.0, a collective space always open to the city, as the access to the new roof terrace will always be possible. Rockisland 2.0 is a varied device that is able to dinamically change its function, and is suited for different purposes thanks to the flexibility of its spaces. Rockisland 2.0 is a sensory machine designed to stimulate all senses. From the chimneys and the skylights comes the soundtrack of inner life, dampened and diverted outside; the exterior and interior spaces are continuously communicating with each other. The skylights will also be open towards the bottom, and the sound of the waves will enter the bar, its presence carefully “orchestrated”. Getting close to the sea without stepping out of the bar, envolving the natural environment below without interfering with it.


tipo: concorso ad inviti
ente banditore: Rockisland S.r.l.
cronologia: Dicembre 2007

progetto premiato - 1° classificato


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi), studio Boeri ( Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni Lavarra), con Roberta Bonanomi e Francesca Diotti

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