Rocking bench

“You are lazy!” told his wife by throwing behind the slippers, throwing him out from home after another afternoon spent softly on the couch.
Where could take refuge in the tumultuous metropolis such an exemplary man, now that is out of his peaceful home?
He was wandering between the sidewalks and squares of the city, trying to sit on the steps, to lie down on the benches, trying to find in every way a comfortable shelter.
He tried also in the playground at the park, but he could not find peace.
Then he stopped, full by the desire for comfort. He sat down.
And gently he felt his body and thoughts relaxed.
He sllipped forward and bowed his head.
He slightly bent his knees.
He was beginning to lull.
A smug smile spread across his face, attracting the attention of some curious passers.
He had found the rocking-bench.


tipo: Incarico diretto

luogo: Milano

committente: Confartigianato Torino
data: 2008


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con studenti NABA (Antonello Fusè, Giulia Maculan, Tommaso De Luca, Giada Todaro)

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