Maxxi Museum Art Library

Is it possible to put contemporary art in alphabetical order? Can you file it?

How tell it to an exhibition audience?

Perhaps thinking of an exhibition that is also an archive, a special archive, like an artwork into artworks which allows to approach art in a different way.

It is an open and generous archive, where you can live a learning experience according to personal approach, and reinvent it each time with different materials.

In a timeless library are on stage the story of the DOCVA archive and the purposes of the MAXXI museum, in a dualism between tradition and contemporaneity that is also one of the interpretations of the space.

This encounter is embodied by a graphic: a big anamorphic sign fills part of the room. It is only possible to comprehend it entirely from the entrance, anywhere else it just looks like a wide collection of fragments and colored patterns scattered all over spaces and furnitures.


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Roma
committente: Fondazione Maxxi
impresa costruttrice: Tagi
allestimento grafica Grafica Kreativa
cronologia: 2010


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Francesca Teruzzi e Francesca Grassi

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