“0” calorie emission

Project realized by Ghigos and “Il Piccolo Lago”, Italian Restaurant: Sustainable building design and remodeling… energy efficiency improvements…green business operations and now … A SUSTAINABLE WAY OF COOKING!

A SUSTAINABLE WAY OF COOKING: a new and innovative approach that combines the use of organic local products (20 miles radius max), energy efficient cooking procedures, and environmentally conscious approach to serve dishes; while enhancing resource conservation and local traditions. A tray made of local stones to warm up the bread and to serve it assuring bread to stay worm and crunchy longer; smoked dishes (efficient cooking procedure), according to local traditions, and served in the same container used for cooking… maintaining the flavors and the ideal dish temperature; “recycling” of natural “containers” (ex. eggs) and presentation of dishes in same containers where they get cooked or stored.

“Less is more”: a new way of thinking, of living… and of cooking which is aimed to enhance the use of local resources, conservation, energy efficiency, reduction of environmental impact, and respect of local history and traditions. All of this, enhancing food flavor and style!


tipo: Incarico diretto
luogo: Mergozzo(VB)
committente: Piccolo Lago
data: 2009


progetto: Marco Sacco, Carlo Sacco, ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)

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