Vignette dal mondo

The initiative “Drawing for peace” was born on 16 October 2006 by idea of the former general Secretary of UN Kofi Annan and the French cartoonist Plantu at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York after the Danish cartoons facts, the controversial exhibition of cartoons about the Holocaust in Iran and attacks on freedom of opinion and expression.
The 10th of October 2007 the initiative “Drawing for peace” becomes “Drawing for Human Rights”.
The initiative aims , on the occasion of the International Day for Human Rights , to inaugurate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and , for the anniversary , contribute to the official launch of the international campaign of the United Nations : ” Justice and dignity for all ” .

Linked to the exhibition comes a book , edited by Ghigos, which collects the cartoons of the most influential cartoonists – editors from 25 countries of the world on the issues of rights , equality, freedom and dignity for all .


tipo: Incarico diretto

committente: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Dipartimento per i Diritti e le Pari Opportunità

data: gennaio 2008


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Andrea Sarcullo.

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