Soges Creative Contest

“There is not Innovation without Tradition, without past there is not future”.
Innovation and Tradition are not always antithetical terms; It is almost as if the first is based on the second and in that is validated.
The innovative features are told in a almost encyclopedic way and the “story of the great innovations” becomes the metaphor to tell Soges’s world. All communication tools are renewing, changing into a global and multidisciplinary vision; crossing the habit, they speak now a “universal language” and they become instruments for scattering a shared knowledge.  The graphic design is coordinated, the traditional ways of use become more attractive and representative of Soges: they tell fragments of a story mirrored in the past and targeted to the future; in order to build it on the basis of new instances introduced by the contemporaneity.


tipo: Concorso ad invito
committente: Soges S.p.a.
data: maggio 2012


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)
con Sandra Matic

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