Sleeping with Design – Design Hostel

The project “Sleeping with DESIGN” sees the transformation within the Milanese Innovation District of the top floor of an old vertical factory, which now houses the largest makerspace in Italy (MakersHub + IDEAS Bit Factory), in a new model of hospitality: temporary “pop up” rooms in which designers, selected through an international call, live with their works.                                                                                                                                                               For the Milan Design Week, the space unfolds like an new hybrid hostel, a cross between the concept of a temporary home and that of a living factory, where you can visit the artists rooms and live their daily lives.

The installations give life to a gallery exhibition that contextually travels from the analogical production to the digital innovation and the interactive approach.



type: incarico diretto
where: via Enrico Cosenz 44/4 – Milano
client: MakersHub + Ideas Bit Factory
when: april 2017


project: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete) con Cristina De Pascale, Francesca Frongia, Milena Gasparetto, Alessandra La Terza, Aleksandra Tosic

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