
Summertime! It’s time to plan holidays, stay up late in the night with friends and why not, have an ice cream!

Two are the choices: ice cream on a cone or in a small cup. If you think a crispy cone would be the best, but are concerned about dirty spots and rather prefer a small cup, well, then SbrodoliNO is finally here!

It is the new cone that allows people to choose a crunchy wafer with ice cream having no worry of uncool stains, as all the melted ice cream easily flow inside.

SbrodoliNO keep the iconic shape of the cone and add a little smile on it: a small “embrace” of extra wafer is twisted down on the surface from the top edge and let little drops flow into the cone.


tipo: concorso ad inviti "fooddesig 3"
committente: galleria one/off
luogo: galleria OneOff
cronologia: 2004

vincitore del concorso “food design 3”

esposto alla mostra "food design 3" all’interno del Salone del Gusto a Torino, dal 21 al 24 ottobre; alla mostra "Dolce vita" organizzata da Abitare nel fuori-salone di Schiffini a Milano, dal 13 al 30 aprile


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Michele Di Monte

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