Masterplan in Sanya

Better city – better life! This is the slogan of the Shangai’s EXPO. This means the chance of carefree living in a place carefully designed. According to the plan and to his promises, the term “city” can’t indicate only the big “urban agglomerate” but it also have to refer to all the spaces man-builded for living and working, to develop his own personality and build relations with other people.

Although the project that we are here presenting is not located in a dense urban scenario, it still contemplates a large real estate development in an holiday site with important naturalistic qualities but also with a good quality of the connections and infrastructure typical of the small metropolis. This contextualization has take us to imagine Sanya as a place were the quality of the small villages on the sea side could meet the quality and the services for the leisure of the main and historical resort.

This document is the report of a process of focusing to a more equilibrate solution to the asking for an high quality real estate developing who take care to the intrinsic quality of the places. A design process that tries to mediate between the strong space connotation of the human action and the desire to take  from the form and rhythms of the nature the project matrix.


data: 2010


progetto architettonico: Logh S.r.l. (Barbara Di Prete, Davide Crippa, Francesco Tosi, Giorgio Loglio, Lorenzo Loglio).

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