M@is 2.0

M@is 2.0 is an innovative tool able to turn into sound the transition from corn to popcorn. M@is takes inspiration from the futurist “intonarumori”, but in the 2.0 version, just by inserting a coin, it will start the traditional music (the same as the “Serenata” by Antonio Russolo), mixed with the electronic music made by the popping of the popcorns.The sound element is produced on real time by the Sound Design Toolkit algorithms, a software developed at IUAV di Venezia.


The project was presented during the Milan Design Week 2017 at “A letto con il Design – Design Hostel” exhibition. Moreover it was exhibited and used in September 2017 during the Milan Film Festival at BASE.


To know more, go check the video here


Design by

Davide Crippa

Paolo Pasteris

Stefano Baldan


Shot and Edit by

Vittoria Colangelo

Stefania di Maria

Stefano Angelo Elli

Beatrice Camporelli


Produced by

Ideas Bit Factory

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