
Lombardies – a unique territory with multiple identities, is an exhibition promoted by the Union of Chambers of Commerce of Lombardia.
An exhibition about the italian region of Lombardia and its multiple identities, a celebration throughout its colors and shapes. A large sub-alpine region, the heart of Europe opened to the Mediterranean, where the differences combine and give birth to social, economical and productive identities in a continuous development.
Organized in three different spaces, the exhibition guides visitors on a journey through landscapes of sensitive datas, interactive platform and dynamic projections of images.


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Milano
committente: POLI.design per Unioncamere
cronologia: 2015


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete), con la collaborazione di Francesca Raimondi, Francesca Vicari e Paolo Pasteris.

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