Il Mausoleo della Famiglia Sacchetti

After Fast Architecture “Ghigos Ideas” and  “LOGh” are back to design an ecological and sustainable architecture, together with the students of the Interior Design course at the Politecnico di Milano.

The disposal of plastic bags becomes the opportunity to complete and bring life to an unfinished public building in Ameno (Novara, Italy) during “STUDI APERTI Arts festival”.

The project aims to up-cycle shopping bags turning them into a dress for an architecture: having in mind the words “nothing can be neither created nor destroyed, everything can only be transformed” students have reused the shopping bags, now banned from sale in supermarkets.

It‘s a work that aims to be a step towards an ecological awareness about recycle and reuse, and, at the same time, a way to give an identity to a building without a specific function. Reuse a bin, as the plastic bag, can be a way to avoid wasting resources and to rethink an object giving it a new look and a new function, can be a way to explore new construction techniques with unusual materials thus redefining a new “ecological alphabet”.

Therefore the project gains a dual function: it’s both an educational intervention and a strong communicative mark, it’s a flag that plays on the relationships among objects and their hierarchies.


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Ameno (NO)
committente: Studi Aperti-Paesaggi Mirati / Arts Festival un cuore verde tra due laghi
cronologia: luglio 2011


progetto: ghigos+LOGh (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi, Lorenzo Loglio) con gli studenti del Corsi di Architettura degli Interni - Politecnico di Milano (sede di Mantova)

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