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Projects suspended in the air, materialized ideas that land in Milan.
The city metaphorically invades the base of the stand ( on floating floor ), setting the ground on which we regularly move and on which the projects are located .
It’s a stand in which the poetic dimension merges with the display system : the “houses” create small domestic rooms, breaks in the frenetic rhytm of the fair.
The game between inside and outside of the “house” has two levels of communication : detailed and attractive informations.
The ” houses ” that welcome the three projects, cast their shadows on the map of Milan that lights and capture further attention .
The 2 other houses configure the reception and the meeting room.
The inclination of the different environments it’s based on the flow of people at the fair : the views are designed so that all sides will have an immediate perception of the projects displayed.
The arrangement of the volumes allows, if necessary, to dispose with flexibility the different elements useful for conferences with journalists .



tipo: incarico diretto
luogo:Milano, Fiera Rho-Pero RealEstate 2006
committente: brioschi finanziaria
impresa esecutrice: Gruppo Bodino
cronologia: dicembre 2006
budget: 78.000 €


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Manolo Lochis,Francesco Tosi) con Francesco Porro

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