Festivaletteratura kids workshop


Automatic machine for inventing tales- Workshop from 8 to 10 years
A tribute to Gianni Rodari.
Tales are like tagliatelle: who has still the time to hand make them? Though everybody loves them.
After years of research, Ghigos invented the “Fantastica a manovella”, the machine for tales.
You just need to mix the ingredients and turn.. It’s a “creative kit” for tales that will last forever:
Description of workshop: mix the traditional fairy tales to create new rhyming.
The five boxes of “The Fantastica” will give to the childen the words for building new stories. Then the children will illustrate the tale created with drawing contained in the other boxes of “The Fantastica.”


Notes on diversity. A tribute to Bruno Munari. Workshop from 8 to 12 years
Not everyone in the world do the same gestures to show that it’s time to go, that we are hungry or that someone … is really bothering us!
To learn the different forms of gestures from all over the world, it can be useful a memory game: to become expert … you just need to start to discover the cards!
Description of workshop: memory game consisting of 60 pairs of intercultural gestures, hidden behind windows on a huge modular and reconfigurable “carpet/playing field”.
Only after finding the couple of gestures, you can keep the windows open; as in the conventional memory game, wins the team that finds the most pairs.


A tribute to Toti Scialoja- Workshop from 8 to 12 years
Digressions between music and words that become sound and sounds that become stories .
Description of workshop: it is divided into 3 moments+ a special one. The first helps the children to become familiar with the sound. The second moment approaches the replacement of sound with words and the third time is devoted to the compositions of Toti Scialoja.
In a space are scattered various materials , which can produce different sounds . One side is occupied by a white tent to project images: 1. Sounds in short ; 2. I trust your word ; 3. Sha – sha – Loia Lalla ; 4. Special.


A gym in the letters. A tribute to Bruno Munari – Workshop from 6 to 10 years
Letters and words that create, as in “abracadabra”.
Letters and words in shape, because they give shape to things and have their own forms . And US? In the gymnasium of the words , we stay in shape ! Exercises of words, letters and bodies.
Description of workshop: set as a training session in the gym in a space divided in half by a big white sheet .On one side there is a spotlight (where you work with the kids ) , on the other one a projector ; The laboratory is divided into three parts: 1. The gym of the letters ; 2. The shape of the letters ; 3. A video . Images are projected on white towel , and the children have to play them with body : the shadow cast should resemble as much as possible to the letter , image or video …

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