Design a Sorpresa

Between a design made of “surprises” and a design made “to surprise”.
An automatic distributor of projects available to visitors to the exhibition, promotes the revisitation of the gadget, which here becomes “authored”: it is the demonstration of the utility of the useless, the manifesto of the joyous need of the superfluous… The dispenser distributes “projects in 10 cm” made by

designers and architects, from the most diverse cultural paths that have decided to play with us,
simplifying, removing and reducing: 100 balls will be distributed through the classic bar dispenser,which attracts adults and children captivating them and taking them into a world of small treasures.


type: incarico diretto
place: Ideas Bit Factory
client: Ideas
when: Aprile 2018


Davide Crippa
Anselmi, P., Barbatano, A., Battisti, G., Bezzi, A., Bizzanelli, M., Bologna, B., Bonomi, I., Coiana, G., Colombi, F., Dubbini, G., Pastore, A., Popescu, A.

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