
There are things you don’t have to do… And if you try them, it is always best not to take the habit , because it is very difficult to give up on that thin pleasure than only transgression and sin give..
DELICIOUS it’s not a word for vice women,
DELICIOUS it’s not a sweet for gourmet.
DELICIOUS is dedicated to neurotic, anxious, timid, self-harming, devourers of cuticles to all those who just can not stop biting nails!
Let’s apply chocolate nails not to feel more guilty if we devour them to the root and finally fully enjoy our delicious vice.


tipo: Incarico diretto
committente: NABA
cronologia: 2006

esposto alla mostra “Design parassita” presso il fuori-salone di NABA a Milano, dal 10 al 13 aprile.


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Manolo Lochis, Francesco Tosi), Gaia Brunello.

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