Farmhouse @ Casa Corsini

An old stable interpreted in a playful key, is able to attract the attention and care even of younger: the story that still resonates, almost whispered by the ancient walls, is revived in an iconic furniture but also humorous and functional: they are the protagonists of the previous “life” of the building that now find their final location and share it with the city.
The furniture is organised in sections were persist the traces of animals: cows that become tables, horses disguise traditional libraries, pigs are being rediscovered as comfortable benches, geese as umbrella/magazines stand, there are also birds that anticipate graphically the role and content of each space, signaling the area of entertainment and events, the study area or space for temporary exhibitions.
The furniture recompose a scene of daily life, as they had been caught in a moment of intense dialogue, but the composition and recomposition are behind the project because the same furniture, dismantled in individual parts, create new functions again: hanger with horns, message boards, shelves shaped using scraps… all combined to furnish the space in ironically and functionally way.
The result is a “three-dimensional puzzle” made of a few easily identifiable pieces, which make the phase of dismantling and reassembling elementary. It is a game of joints involving users of the youth institute since the opening when they will be invited to a new “performance” …


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Fiorano Modenese
committente: Comune Fiorano Modenese
cronologia: maggio 2011


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Azzurra Ciccarelli, Beatrice Rivi e Francesca Teruzzi

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