Carosello di antipasti

Carosello offers flavours and tastes born from different gastronomic heritages which met and rooted in Piedmont. The dish design follows the poetical structures of the receipts, made of allegories and suggestions, elements of different traditions in a balanced dialogue.

The tastes discovery is followed by the reading of a poem etched on the dish surface. Words appears after each mouthful, widening suggestions about possible meanings of the composition. Are juices and sauces to give body and readability to letters and words: in the same relationship the poem is only clear when the food is over, when links and connections between all the elements are thus evident.


tipo: Incarico diretto
luogo: Mergozzo(VB)
committente: Piccolo Lago
data: 2008


progetto: Marco Sacco, Carlo Sacco, ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi) con Silvia Vismara

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