Brand and Form
DPWN success as an international brand is based upon identifiability and reliability. Colours and logos allow to identify the brand in any workplace or daily situation. Stuck on various means of conveyance, or printed on envelopes, the companies logos are acknowledged signs of an active part of various processes, with different kind of interaction.
The project aim to increase colours and logos recognizability shaping a form which born in an exhibition stand and flows out in people’s hands. Beyond facilities DPWN will manage to provide an environmental solution that fold from the wall down to the gadget.
Strong architectural bodies and scenographies arise from assembling five different modules shaped from simple folds of a plain surface. Between the faceted walls the resulting space is as non-standard as simple. Light reflexes on the sides creating a friendly and always different space, offering dynamical perceptions of passages and rest areas. Transparent and comfortable pieces of furniture don’t interfere with such a characterized environment.
The same surface is scaled down and kept being folded, like in an origami, to obtain a set of gadget extremely identifiable, ranging from a new sharply cut stationery to sculpture-like handbags. The whole design process let DPWN strengthen its corporate identity offering people a shared and strongly identified spatial and tactile experience.
The modular surface system is made out of varnished aluminium panels. Overlapping modules give the possibility to create thick walls; the interspace host the bearing tubular structure and can be used as storage.