Bella Fuori

A house/garden or a garden/house for the people of San Donato.
Walking through the neighborhood, themost striking thing, it’s the size of the country and its domestic atmosphere. The towers of the Fair are distant in the background.
The city traffic , the hurry , the urban relationships seems like another world.
The green areas of Via Garavaglia belong to the habits and customs of the inhabitants : the park is composed of distinct areas disconnected from each others .
Two elements are missing: the ability to recognize and ” appoint ” spaces and a unified image that holds them together ,physically and metaphorically, by connecting the different parts : the wooded area of the Bentivogli Garden, the areas around the Center District, the distant areas surrounded by houses and street parking .
The project kitchen, living room, bedroom, garden works on these two gaps, proposing the size and the domestic atmosphere that characterizes this area .
The park we propose is a house/park or a park/house: a series of outdoor rooms, a house that everyone can feel his, where you feel safe and where you can carry out different activities at different times of the day.


tipo: Concorso “Bella Fuori” – progetto
di riqualificazione urbana di Bologna

ente promotore: Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna

data: 2007

progetto ammesso alla 2^ fase


progetto:ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi), gruppo A12, Loris Cecchini

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