Azzali house

House, office, store.
A house that is wrapped on itself and materializes formally in multiple functions: a private space, a public space and a space where the two spheres penetrate.
It is an inclined floor “space”, available both as office for informal meetings and as residence of living room.
The inclined floor area becomes a functional joint and a symbolic building.
A floor that is divided into different levels and includes soft seats, a bar area, a reading area; a sequence of steps “eroded” by the daily use that configure an abnormal “home-theater”…
The distinction in functional areas with separate entrances, will allow in the future the sale of three divided apartments.


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Podenzano (PC)
committente: Marco Azzali
impresa costruttrice: Mirso s.a.s
cronologia: 2003/2011


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)

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