Archivio Mobile

The neighborhood we worked on is a vital reality, but also very complex , which has 14.000 people and 115 ethnic groups.
The term community could be misleading because too often identifies ethnic or religious groups ; ” The mobile archive ” instead, suggests new interpretations , proposing a wider concept and current of community: a community of feeling, a community of passions, interests and desires … a community that is not ” given ” , but should be discovered, little by little.
We have decided to design a device that would allow us to know the area from the inside, an archive that can acquire directly the information, an archive that can wander through the streets and courtyards of San Salvario collecting evidence and the experience of people in all its forms ( texts, stories, recipes, stories, videos, drawings, sounds … ).
This contemporary ” urban collector ” must , on the one hand , being the guardian of the experiences of different communities of the district and on the other one, spread the valuable secrets to the urban space , to create new potential cross- communities .