Apparecchiare la città

The Ghigos ideas studio invites an urban planner and a landscape architect to design together a “city of objects” which, step by step, will tempt you with delicacies!
A city of objects, a landscape “at hand”: a table that welcomes as elevations some iconic monument-objects (or are they miniature buildings?).
In a continuous interplay between different scales and cross-references between architecture and design, between urban and domestic, the layout of the plane is mixed up with a large architectural model.
Once again, lightly and hybridizing the parts, we are moving “from the spoon to the city” … because, here, “ the spoon IS the city! “
Looking at a table to find it “urbanized” … See a saltshaker and discover it “inhabited” …
Our eyes give value to things, but a screen acting as a filter is enough, to take us beyond the usual.
The point of view is what changes reality and makes us experience a surreal walk through objects, which lose their purely functional value and discover themselves as “something else”: they are parts of an apparently paradoxical world, and become casket of our emotions .


tipo: incarico diretto
luogo: Superstudio Group, Milano
committente: Lago Maggiore Casalinghi_Camera di Commercio del VCO_azienda Fedora
cronologia: aprile 2012


progetto: ghigos (Davide Crippa e Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi)
con Guido Cossa, Massimo Gangemi, Francesca Grassi, Iain Greenwood, Francesca Jennifer Puzzo, Laura Terranova

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