
Ghigos, in collaboration with Esagonò, Nuova Osmo e Olympia Ceramiche, is designing a new concept of a Bathroom 2.0.

The project is going to be realized with the collaboration of the fablab  Ideas Bit Factory, which is gonna be in charge of the ceramic 3D printing.


Soon more news !!

“Sleeping with Design” – Design Hostel, a temporary hostel for creativity to exhibit and bring together designers with their creations. It’s a place where the daily life of the designers is mixed with their exhibitions, in order to show how sharing can give complete form to creativity.The public, besides enjoying the exhibitions in the hostel’s common areas, will be able to visit the rooms of the artists, working with them and staying in the hotel. The initiative, designed by Ghigos, is organized by MakersHub and IDEAS Bit Factory in collaboration with, Politecnico di Milano’s School of Design and the Department of Design.

Tideo presents with an exhibition the results of the workshop, “Tatuare lo Spazio – la nuova decorazione dell’Interior Design”, organized by prof. Davide Crippa from Politecnico di Milano (School of Design). An evocative journey through materials and styles, analysing and reinterpreting them in the contest of customization that is in continuous evolution. The exhibition will take place during the Bologna Design Week, from September 27th to October 2nd.



NarrativeGang “ is a workshop cured by Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete (Politecnico di Milano) and Lorenza Branzi (Naba di Milano) with the purpose of creating an imaginary gang. It is shaped as an educational activity in between viral marketing, design and sociology, aimed at recreating the same rituality and sense of belonging typical of gang’s world. This workshop is part of the project “GangCity” and has as a sponsor Zen/Minimarket brand. The workshop will take place in Thetis space (Venice) from the 27th to the 30th of September.



“Il signor Sindaco e la Città future” is a photographic project did by Gianfranco Ferraro, it tells the big change of the small city of Riace, due to its major Domenico Lucano. He welcome in his City migrant from more than 20 different countries and built with them a sustainable model of integration. The conference presents the photographic exhibition that will be exhibit inside the 15 Biennale di Venezia since the 3rd of November. At the conference will be present the major of Riace, Domenico Luciano, the photographer Gianfranco Ferraro and Davide Crippa as the curator of GangCity’s exhibitions.



Boto project was developed inside the “Call for ideas”, presented by Regione Lombardia in collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia, ADI and Fiera Milano, addressed to young designers and companies. The theme “Creativity3” could have been declined in three different sectors: kids, living and outdoor. The aim was to set a collaboration between young designers and companies, the companies were asked to built, making marketable products, designer’s project.

From the encounter between the fablab Ideas and two young designers Valentina China and Gabriella Wallner Boto was born: a rocking chair for children with the shape of a coloured ship that will help small users to navigate the sea of imagination. The project will be exhibit inside the Homi fair (rho fieramilano) in the 10th pavilion, from the 16th to 19th of Septembe.


During the “Source Self-Made Design” fair in Florence, organized by the cultural association ALTROVE from 15th to 22nd of September, Ideas will present its new project: Bitcrush. The idea seems simple: 3D printing the chairs that made design history, starting from their primal shape and redesigning them in the same way an electronic calculator would do. Ideas will present this new project inside the exhibition area and its previous collection inside the Temporary shop.


The lecture in the first workshop of the Digital Observatory is promoted by Politecnico of Milan, along with the principal museums and participants in the cultural field of the region of Lombordia. The speech will be about the use of technology within cultural spaces.




RovelloDue’s third episode now the multimodal space, recounting the history of innovation throughout the 150 Politecnico of Milan. Thirty libretti will tell the miraculous, caleidoscopic trajectory of innovation. From 10 July at 10 October.



Today, on 10 June, we are presenting the project, “Ma Così è la Vita”, a project by Design for All, dedicated to those living with Huntington’s disease. This opening coincides with the end of Huntington’s day, and officially opens the competition of projects for young, up-and-coming designers.


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