Expo 2015 Rice Cluster

The Rice Cluster appears like an out of scale rice field where the soil texture are recognizable. The colours, the fragances and the shadows  come with the rice’s growing and they characterize the flowing of time between the pavillions. Like the water in the ricefield is a mirror that hides and disclosed, also the cluster hides another “informative landscape” that is made by elements and curiosity ready to disclose to the visitors. From the Landscape to the Datascape, it’s only a point of view.


tipo: Progetto preliminare
luogo: Milano
committente: Expo 2015
data: settembre 2013 – ottobre 2015


Architectural Concept and Design: Ghigos (Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Francesco Tosi, Lorenzo Loglio) Agnese Rebaglio (Politecnico di Milano)

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